urbpan Jun 11, 2016 19:14
spiders, contentment cottage, jumping spider, daddy long-legs, snakes, harvestman, garter snake
urbpan Apr 29, 2015 19:04
garter snake, friends, urban nature walk, the beach, boston harbor islands, boston, snakes, quincy, skyline
urbpan Apr 20, 2015 18:30
reptiles, alexis, snakes, sex, 280 days of urbpandemonium, garter snake
urbpan Sep 02, 2014 18:57
tracking, compost, garter snake
urbpan Jun 17, 2014 14:41
mushroom class, mushrooms, drumlin, orchard orbweaver, 3:00 snapshot, garter snake
urbpan May 20, 2014 18:33
spiders, termite, household wildlife, cross orbweaver, garter snake, video, eastern subterranean termite, virginia creeper, the suburbs
urbpan May 11, 2014 10:07
contentment cottage, alexis, snakes, chickens, 3:00 snapshot, sex, garter snake
urbpan Apr 14, 2014 19:56
self-portrait, contentment cottage, foster puppy, pit bulls, 3:00 snapshot, maggie, garter snake
urbpan Apr 13, 2014 13:28
cinquefoil, contentment cottage, weeds, wildflowers, the suburbs, garter snake, spring
urbpan Apr 04, 2014 20:48
tracking, witch's butter, dead animals, lichens, lj friends, dedham, lichen, exidia recisa, video, moss, mushrooms, the woods, puffballs, garter snake, friends, wood decay fungi, vernal pool, springtails